Sink or Swim: Tackling Higher Education Enrollment Challenges
A sort of panic sets in when people in higher education hear any peep about enrollment challenges (and after writing this I see why). But I am here to tell you despite these feelings of uneasiness, there is hope. The enrollment cliff is an obvious topic of...
Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: A Post-Op Implementation Analysis
WHEW! I can take a breath…I think. It was both a whirlwind and a perfect storm when Redlands Community College made the decision to move to Ellucian Colleague after a thorough, team-driven approach. Additionally, Evisions Argos was the reporting tool deemed a critical...
How I Came to Realize the Importance of User Acceptance Testing
Testing is an important concept and practice when it comes to technology, regardless of what industry you’re in. When it comes to Higher Education, it defines the collaboration between IT and the various functional teams with whom they work. The aim is to maintain the...
Best Practices for Using Extract Reports
Anyone involved with institutional reporting or sending data to other vendors will tell you that, when it comes to the end results, one report definitely does not fit all. Submitting reports to third parties—be they government agencies, financial institutions, or...